Design - 40 points
Original and pretty graphics withour blinks 10 points
Clean design and pleasant color set (easy to read) 10 points
Good apearance in all resolutions 10 points
Good taste in graphics, tables and animations 10 points

Content - 40 points
Interesting and informative content 20 points
High level content of the owner own creation 10 points
Respect the ethics, the copyright and laws 10 points

Navigation - 20 points
Logical navigation with menu or link in the top of all pages 10 points
Page load under 15 seconds, with no links errors 5 points
All image loads, without broken links 5 points

To win the Gold Award - 90 or more points

To win the Silver Award - 80 or more points

To win the Bronze Award - 70 or more points

To win the Merit Award - 60 or more points

You will not be informed about the scoring of  your  site, you only will receive an email with the result of the application.

Don´t forget to read the award criteria before apply  for the award, it´s very important.

Poetic Soul Counters